Sunday, May 31, 2009

I've built castles on sand. This past year, everything is coming apart from the weak seams I thought were strong enough. Sometimes I wish I can just get rid of these newly formed webs and go back to how it used to be. Is it too late to go back? It was all caused from misunderstandings and disappointment over stupid things, I still can't believe why I didn't question it, why I accepted it so readily when I could have ended it. I've learned and seen the error of my ways not from looking in the mirror, but watching another blindly make the same mistakes I did and experiencing the repercussions. If we came back together, I know what I would change and I know I have already changed. I was never able to truly truly appreciate what OMG5 was until I was without them. Although we're going to be very far away from each other by the next time we can meet, I hope we can reunite and resume the friendships we had all made. We had such good chemistry...until the "night of drama" which was caused by outside forces, we never needed to watch what we said, watch the actions we do, or be afraid how we perceived each other. If only I could rewind time...

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