Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Will post with pics tommorow of sketchbook + more detail but this is what I remember

History class, loud "vrooom" sounds, power out.

told to evacuate to field bc stuff was on fire

At field, visible smoke from a truck.

After 10 minutes, another large blast-sound, and two large electric balls (blue, then orange) are seen

More smoke

Firetruck arrives, sets itself on fire bc it tried to put out preexhisting fire but electricity conducted it and melted tires and set them on fire

another blast later on, all moved to performing arts center.

painful stat class with no AC. Girrrl, please stop being so stupid. Why am I in the same class as you? Haven't felt this frustrated with anyone's intellectual stupidity since grade school.

Drawing/shooting cupcakes tommorow. I'm excited.

A visual as to what happened.

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