Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Its slipping away so grammar might not make sense cuz I'm trying to get it down

SO its fanime, but fanime turned out to be a week before I thought it was and I didn't have any costumes done...fanime wasn't in the usual building either-it was some weird combo of LAX and the sakuracon building...idk idk. So I was walking around with my noncostumed self alone when I ran into Katie E. from Taroboy...she was alot larger (at least 8 feet tall) and wasn't in costume either. She asked me if I wanted to go exploring so I was like SURE cuz I was alone and mostly sulking around. We went into the hotels and they seemed pretty old- i remember we went up to the top floor and we took the elevators, everytime we went up or down, it'll go up REALLY fast and I'd feel really nauseated. We got to various hotel rooms along the way....I don't really remember what we exactly did-but I remember I was really scared. Finally, we went up to the very top into this small stone chamber with an open coffin in it and I think we pushed a bad man into it? Once we did, the coffin shut part way but it couldn't close because of his longish nose. He was...suddenly submerged in this black cement with his nose sticking out. We screamed and went back to the nauseating elevator.

We rode down and by the time we got there, it was Sunday afternoon aka the last day (which is weird cuz Fanime runs until monday). Katie disappeared and I wandered around sulking again because I suddenly remembered I was suppposed to cosplay Dynasty Warriors with OMG5 and Maridah and everyone...I hadn't even seen anyone from my group the entire time...I remember going to registration (but it was at LAX's check in counter...) and I saw a bunch of storm troopers and photograpers ahaha I went to the dealers room and eventually ran into Alan, who was cosplaying Suzaku. He was wearing this STRANNNGE bright orange mullet wig and when I asked him about it, he said someone gave it to him for a dollar... We walked around the dealers room and there were alot of good cute japanese cosplayer girls like...posing/squatting in the corners of the walls in the dealers room. I remember I said how I didn't like how damn ugu they were LOL. Alan showed me his photos of the Dynasty Warriors group it looked ultra cool...they found another SSX to replace me LOL. So then we went outside (which looked like the outside of LAX) and my family was there, doing cartwheels. We got home at some very very late hour (somehow family had gotten home before us) and then we looked at more photos.

Sometime after we were looking at photos, Alan disappeared and there was a white couple (italian? they had dark hair) and the lady called a suicide hotline and the person on the other side told her to just kill herself...We all got transported to this grassy place and we somehow were all on this construction crane...She said ADIEU and she jumped off. I remember being really shocked. Her lover and the rest of her family seemed totally fine with it though...

Everyone started doing strange things- the wife of the uncle had fallen into a deep hole and there were bugs swarming out of it...After I saw this, I ran down the green hill, dodging ducks (my "mind camera" would zoom in on the duck's face as I would pass them- to almost microscopic detail). I finally got to the waterfront and the sea was shallow, no more than 10 ft deep, and very clear. It was a misty teal. I jumped in, the water wasn't cold at all, and I swam and swam until I reached somesort of shantytown that was built in the middle of the ocean. I climbed up, I remember there was a saloon, bank, and the wood pier sidewalk was rotting away. I finally got into a general store and they were cooking this pink things that kinda looked like the taro dim sum things. I asked for one and i got one with blueberries.

Then I woke up?

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