Sunday, September 7, 2008

Anime Expo 2008 Part 3


O hay guys, going to Beijing tommorow morning by train, a twenty hour trip lolz, no internet at our house in Beijing, so I don't know the next time I can get internet access... D:

Day 3

Dynasty Warriors Day! Cosplayed Lu Xun on Saturday, day 3 of Anime Expo. (lol my grammar isn’t deteriorating cuz I’m in China, I don’t know what you is talking about…) V and Sam were the only others in my group who did Dynasty Warriors that day, everyone else was a dumb dumb and didn’t wear theirs, so our group epicness went down 50%. DX Tonya and Nick did Ragnarok Online cosplays while Jeanine did Hibari from Katekyo Hitman Reborn. We arrived at the con center with nothing much to do because the dealer’s room wasn’t open yet, and we weren’t interested in the events in the early morning. So while V, Sam and I had a photoshoot with Eurobeat King, the others mysteriously disappeared somewhere.

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After the photoshoot, Sam, V, and I went to the dealer’s room to buy even more stuff, but we kept on assaulted for photos, so much that Sam decided to run away from us because he actually wanted to buy stuff and move around freely.


So V and I wandered to the loverly booth that sold the Dynasty Warriors figurines, where she bought one and I bought two more hahaa. We found a hobo corner by the side of the exhibit hall (right by the Viz (?) booth, as in, right in front of VIC M. (I can’t spell his last name haha) to rest and open our figurines. We were both verrrry happy with what we got, and we were happily head-swapping when I was TACKLED from behind by a mysterious person! I screamed and tried to bat the person away from me, when I realized it was just Jo ahahahhahaah~ She was cosplaying as Raichu, and joined our little hobo corner. We wanted to go meet Vic, but the line to see him was closed, so we just stood right in front of the booth, hoping that he would notice us, but he never did, even when I started dancing to get his attention LOL.

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Viiic, why you no look at meeeeeee? TAT

Making my way back to the hobo corner, I noticed a really good squad captain with a white wig from bleach running by, and I was like…OMG IS IT AKU?! So I was like AKU! And the cosplayer turned around and was like, eh? I’m Haku, not Aku! Ahahahaaha, I so dumb. We exited the dealer’s room and found Jeanine, so we all sat down in a new hobo corner to rest (why are we always so tired/lazy?) and talk ahahah. We played truth or dare for a while- I was dared to confess my undying love on one knee to Man-Faye if we ran into him LOL, I dared Jeanine to go to the middle of the dealer’s room and start singing a song for one minute at the top of her lungs, and a bunch of other stuff that we will remember but stuff I cannot say here hohohoho~ We all got hungry so Jo and I went to buy some food at the Mexican food stand nearby. A bunch of little girls were in front of us in line, and they thought that Jo and I were sisters and idolized us ahaahaha. We had some really bad meat tortilla things that were hella expensive and hard to eat neatly lol, we should have gotten the Chinese food! Tonya and Nick joined us sometime during our eeting-ness, and Jo and I left to wander about shortly afterwards, to the artist’s alley!



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We met up with Aku, who was stranded at AA all day long. TAT We left and ran amuck at the con for a while ahahhaa~ Jo had to leave early, so I met up with V and Sam again for a photoshoot~ And we saw pikminlink again as LINK! 8DD

Haha, tetris blocks! Some guy tried to climb on top of them, and they were like, there’s a small child in there… ‘__’







Jeanine wasn’t feeling well, so we went outside to wait for Tonya’s dad to pick us up. But sometime before that, we (OMG5) went to go see the Otaku Parlimentary Debate Finals-topic: Pirates are better than Ninjas. It was a really good and funny debate, and I won an AX 07 T shirt! Yay free stuff lolz~ Pirates won the debate haha.



It was then when we ran into Jimmy and Dustin with their epic Guilty Gear group~ Took some pictures together and then I had to leave… TAT Wish we could have hung out more that day!


We got back to the hotel…and our room key wouldn’t work, so we waited in front in a dead heap hahaa.

WHY ARE YOU TAKING A PICTURE OF US?! (those were Jeanine’s exact words…haha)

We quickly changed so that we could go to dinner without scaring Japantown’s visitors hahaa. The curry place was hella full that day, so we decided to go to the place next door, where the food took a long time to come and was really expensive but good lolz…

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Nick, what ARE you doing?

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Myspace shot…even though none of us have Myspaces ahaha

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My face is stuck in an angry-face position hahaha

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/ Day Three

Day Four, Sunday

Last day of the convention! I wore Sun Shang Xiang (Dynasty Warriors 5), Tonya wore Ruby (Pokemanz), and Jeanine wore Red (also Pokemanz). We were all moving pretty slowly that morning cuz there weren’t any events to go to and Sam and Nick were playing tinpin(?) on their DS’s lol.


I was running around trying to fix my costume (I didn’t repair it after fanime lolz…), find costume pieces that I forgot to pack, and make my shoe covers stick to a different pair of base shoes… I think I was looking pretty ghetto at AX hahaha~

I went to the dealer’s room to hunt for some last day sales with Sam and V. I bought even MORE dynasty warriors figurines, a Tidus figurine, and a Domo-kunnn~ I think the new green contacts I got were a lower prescription than I ordered, so I was hella blind throughout the day ahahhaha~ SO, I had wandered away from Sam and V to look at a booth 5 feet away, and I turn around, and I can’t find them LOL. So I take my stuff and just kinda stand there, squinting at people and spinning around in circles LOL. They were watching me from behind a booth LOL~ So it was like Lalalala, walking around blindly in the dealer’s room, watching Sam argue/haggle with the storekeepers, and stopping for photos is what I did for most of my morning. I called Jo and was like, “yo homedawg I’m in the dealer’s room, aisle 900” , “omg, I’m somewhere overthere too!” “O hay I see youu” Haha yeah. So we left to wander around aimlessly, cuz there wasn’t anything else I wanted to buy/carry. We were like, lets walk to the other side of the convention! JUST BECAUSE WE HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO! So we did. And ran into Dustin and Jimmy’s group (Justin and Dimmy lolz), who were Pokemanzzzzz~



They had to leave really soon though, because they wanted to change into their guilty gear costumes. So Jo and I walked to the arcade, where the rest of my group was. We go in and find them by the back, by the most evil game in the universe ahaha. STACKERS. Where you have to allign a moving box to a tower of boxes so the tower can reach the top, AND THEN YOU WIN A WII. I found Sam and Jeanine crying playing the game, sometimes reaching the second to last row or last row before the top, but always losing… It was a dollar a play, and I think we all blew off about twenty bucks on that game LOL. But hahaha, I was like, ohsnap, I ran out of spare dollar bills and quarters…The smallest bill I have…is a $50...So Jeanine and I go to the quarter-dispensing machine, and as I’m about to put it in, Jeanine sees the value of the bill, and is like NOOOOOOOOOOO STOP!!!!! Hahaha, thanks to her, I saved my fifty dollars LOL.


EMO TEAAAAAAAAAAAAAR (this was our loser corner LOL)

After I ran out of useable money, Jo and I decided to wander the halls once again, and we found a really good dark link cosplayer!


We got tired of walking lol, so we sat down on some chairs next to some guy who was asleep LOL, and we just took moar camwhore pictures hahhaa.

O hay thar green contacts, which don’t have enough prescription

After sitting around again, we walked back and forth between the two buildings ahaha, and we finally stopped in front of the dealer’s room again (it was closed inside) to sit around and have a photoshoot for me. A bunch of people wanted to have pictures of both of us (woo crossovers lolz) so we were stuck posing there for a long time ahahha, and then Dustin and Jimmy POP out from nowhere in their Guilty Gear outfits, and start taking pretend photos and posing ahahahhahaah. So we took pictures of them and stuff~






Mah photoshoot:

Shortly afterwards, my group called me back so we could leave cuz they were bored hahaha~ I said goodbye to everyone and we all promised to meet at Sac-anime! Aahhahaa, I miss them though ahahah I walked to where my group was, and almost walked past them because I thought they were misc. hobo group #5 hahaha~

Sam looks like he died ahahha

So we headed back to the hotel and I opened every single figurine box I had to play with them ahahahhahaah~

Hur hur, Liu Bei, I’ve brought you back a present~ <3


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Lolz, so, my Tidus figurine came with his brotherhood sword, but he was my only figurine who couldn’t hold it! T_T EVEN MECHAS AND YOTSUBA COULD HOLD IT.





Tidus can only hold the heads of others…




So yeah, /day 4 and AX! This year was really fun and I actually liked the location, aside from the lack of eating places after 6pm and the non-connected hotels, I have no issues with the LACC. : D

Day After AX-

Toured campuses with V, Jeanine, and Sam~ It was hella hot that day, and not good for walking around outside in the LA sun @_@ While we were waiting for V in a lobby, I fell asleep on the couch, started snoring, and Sam started pulling and poking at my cheeks to wake me up ahahhaa, so I woke up to find everyone staring at me ahahah~ We had lunch at a Denny’s, a restaurant I seem to only go to in LA ahaha, but I’m a fan of Denny’s now lol, because its cheap and the bathrooms are clean!

THIS WAS ALL MINE. I had the biggest meal, even though mine cost the same as everyone else’s…

I couldn’t finish all of it lol…

Denny’s gives you a cardboard BOX to put your food in… It’s really weird lol

For dinner, we went to a ramen place in Japantown. I was still super full from the Denny’s, so I just ordered a tofu. Ramen sounds really good right now though…



/Day 5


So, I was sent to LAX so I could catch my flight to SF to China~ I was wearing my AX 07 shirt (I got it free from the Otaku Parlimentary Debate Finals!) and the checking-in guy was like, “did you go full weekend? See any of the concerts?” I was like NOWAI, airport-checking-in guy is an anime fan too! He said he went to the Shokotan concert lolz~ I went on Virgin America from LA to SF, and I HIGHLY recommend this airline ahahah, it was hella new and HIGH TECH. I watched the Korean drama “Full House” on its TV!

Virgin America
Secksi Airplane


Harro, my fellow chinesesesess~

United Airlines
Ok, I HATE UNITED AIRLINES, do NOT recommend this airline ahahha. Bad food, bad service, tiny seats, old airplanes, NO Tvs make a not-good airplane lol.

United Airlines
They fed us tiny ramen bowls lol

Hong Kong Airport
I arrive in Hong Kong after 13 hours!

Hong Kong Airport
In the airport

Hong Kong Airport

Rode a bus from HK to Shenzhen, where my Dad picked me up and took me home to Humen (a "small town" in the Dongguan city? Province? Suburb? It's where everything is manufactured lol)

I've noticed that Dongguan is mentioned alot in the news and magazine publications now lol, my city is famous! XD

"The impact of China's official car polices is perhaps most evident in the manufacturing center of Dongguan, a maze of motorways and parking lots close to the country's southern border in the heart of the Pearl River Delta. For every 1,000 residents in Dongguan, 520 have cars -- the highest rate in the nation and nearly 15 times the average.

Spread out over 952 square miles of industrial parks and housing complexes, Dongguan may be the closest thing to a Washington-style suburb in China. With no local subway system, a shortage of taxis and buses with limited routes, Dongguan's 7 million inhabitants often have no way of getting around without a car. "

View to see the outside streets

At night, facing the lake~


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