Sunday, September 7, 2008

Anime Expo 2008 Part 1

HEY PPL WHO I SPAZ WITH ONLINE ABOUT CERTAIN THINGS. THIS MEANS YOU, KIM! COME ONLINE MORE OFTEN. MORE THINGS TO TELL YOU IN PRIVATE~! btw, I don't know if I can still get the anime merchandise for you, cuz I might not be going to the con cuz my mom might be dragging me to beijing during that time! I'll see though!

Waaaaah, I'm in China right now, where not-chinese websites are HELLA slow (like deviantART and facebook ><) or banned (livejournal, I thought you got unbanned! TAT). It's good too though, went to my lovely salon twice in the last twenty four hours, and got my hair cut, straightened, and dyed.

Day 1

Wednesday, July 2, was day 0 for Anime Expo (no formal events on day 0, only for badge pickup for preregistered people), and was the day we left from the San Francisco Bay Area to Los Angeles. I had spent the last week working on my Dark Knight Yuna cosplay, but did not finish it in time for AX. So I spent the last night packing and cleaning up the pigsty I had transformed my house into.


I had turned into a night owl, so it was really hard for me to wake up in time for Jeanine to pick me up to send us to V's house, where we would be departing. We were supposed to leave from V's house at noon, but got hella delayed because Jeanine came two hours later than planned, and then at V's house we had issues with the confirmation emails that we had to print out for our pre-registered badges. So we left at around 3 pm, starting with Jeanine, me, Tonya, and Nick in one car, and Sam and V in the other. We stopped at a wild west/ native American themed rest stop, where Sam and I traded spots for the second leg of the trip.









We stopped in Pasadena for dinner at Carl’s Junior (my first time!) and arrived at our hotel, the Kyoto Grand, at around 9 pm. I think we scared the other guests in the hotel when we unloaded all our cosplay props, haha.



In our hotel room, everyone but me worked on fixing and making costumes, mostly V with her Vampire Knight costume. Having nothing to do, I flung out all my costume pieces and whatever was lying around to make my ultimate redhead-phantom of the opera-dynasty warriors costume. The mask’s eye slits were hella small and kept on poking my eyeballs so I had to squint.







We stayed up until 3 am working on costumes and preparing for AX .

Day 1, July 3, Thursday

Woke up at 7 and arrived at the convention at 8, and we were surprised by the hella long line to just get into the convention building. I ran into Jo ( :devkuchikirukia: ) in the line; we both stared at each other for about 5 seconds because we weren’t sure if we had recognized the right people (we talk on aim all the time, hahaha) To pass the time, my group OMG5 ( :devomg5: ) played Big Booty and some tree-chopping game that I still don’t understand, haha. I was the only one cosplaying (Schoolgirl Rukia from Bleach) from my group that day.



Once the line started moving and when we got into the convention hall, we split up to get our badges. Jeanine had a registration issue, so she had to register again, V forgot her confirmation email print-out at the hotel, and Nick had to track down the guy who was to give him his badge. So me, Sam, and Tonya stayed together to pick up our badges in the pre-reg line.


Once we waited in line for an hour and got our badges, Tonya disappeared somewhere so Sam and I wandered around the convention space, waiting for everyone else to show up. We ran into the giant Kon from Fanime, and V caught up with us shortly afterwards.


Right after V found us, Sam was kidnapped by Nick to the hotel where the guy was supposed to give him his badge, so V and I did a mini photo shoot in the space between the exhibit hall and registration building. We ran into some Lolita Kisama models, so I took their pictures because I promised Kim I would take pictures of any cute guys ahahahhahaah We also ran into a super good Gintama group.



We explored the convention hall and walked to the exhibit hall, only to find it not open yet, so we sat around for a bit until Jeanine and Tonya called us to meet up with them in the food court. We decided to go to the AX idol auditions, because V’s cousin was supposedly going to do it. We walked all the way across the convention hall to get to the event room, and ran into a bunch of awesome cosplayers .





I found Jo on the way to AX idol, so we sat together to talk and make weird faces while waiting for the event to start. I didn’t take any photos during the event because I didn’t want to freak out the audition who were all very talented and much braver and better singers than me. I left a bit early because I was starving, and I ran off to artist’s alley afterwards because I thought the event had ended by the time I finished my meal. Sadly, I missed the ending act by Tyler (who was cosplaying Goku at Fanime too) and all the other remaining acts.
I visited Aku ( :devakusesu: ) in artist’s alley and then I met up with Jeanine to wander around the exhibit hall (dealer’s room). We wandered for a long time, but we were able to find the Phoenix Wright Art book for Jeanine.












We got hungry, so we decided to have a lunch/dinner, and while we were resting, I saw LM.C walk by! They weren’t wearing their v-kei makeup, but I was pretty sure it was them because there was a Japanese guy following them with a HUGE camera and a Japanese bodyguard woman with another video camera. So I followed them to take a picture, and I got one before the woman was like, “NO STOP!”.



Jeanine and I went to see the first Otaku Parliamentary Debate round, topic: Japanese otaku are crazier than American otaku. We’re partners for actual parli debate, and this first round disappointed us a bit. It wasn’t really parliamentary debate lolz, but it was entertaining at least. Jeanine got a free shirt, so it was worth it hahaha. She left to go find the rest of our group, so I wandered around the con myself and ran into Tyler aka Goku and I took a bunch of photos hahaa.






After meeting up with Tyler, I left the convention~

End Day 1.

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